BUMTA Meeting time and location:
Olin Sang 201
Wednesdays at 8PM
If you're a Brandeis student interested in joining BUMTA, email our Secretary, Peter Sorota, at to learn more!
Every Fall semester, BUMTA holds placements for any student interested in joining a team. Students will be asked to perform public speaking exercises during their placement. No previous mock experience is necessary! In the Spring, BUMTA conducts a semester long training, which includes weekly workshops, along with fun events for everyone.
Not Just For Future Lawyers
While mock trial is a great experience for law school hopefuls, we welcome students from all backgrounds and interests! This club is perfect for actors, public speakers, writers, readers, debaters, and for anyone who just wants to try something new and make lifelong friends. BUMTA provides mockers with not only unparalleled experience in public speaking and reasoning, but also a network of alumni who frequently offer advice and job opportunities!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is mock trial a big time commitment?
It can be, depending on your role. BUMTA offers many opportunities to become very involved, such as captaining, but you can also choose to only be a team member. Typically, our teams meet twice a week for about two hours each time and then outside work is often necessary to prepare for your role. Teams go to 2 invitationals and between 1 and 3 AMTA tournaments. The more work you put into mock trial, the more you'll get out of it.
Is it okay if I've never done mock before?
Of course! We cannot stress enough that newcomers are welcome. In the Fall, your team will show you all the ropes, we will have club-wide workshops, including a boot camp at the beginning of the semester, to get everyone on the same page.
Wait, what even is mock trial?
Good question! Mock trial is a club that allows students to simulate what it would be like to go to trial for a case. At the beginning of the school year, AMTA releases a case, including witnesses, exhibits, and other trial documents. We read all of this and build a case off of it, preparing both sides. We choose witnesses to call, pick a theme, and much more! Then, starting in October we go to tournaments where we do a mock trial of this case with other schools.